Build This Site


This site is generated by mdbook and is issued by GitHub pages using GitHub workflow.

mdbook render markdown files to html. Use brew install mdbook to install it on your Mac. GitHub pages develops this site to GitHub server.


You can go to GitHub repo by clicking the GitHub icon in the top right corner.


mdbook docs

mdbook docs |

mdbook docs | book.toml

How to Contribute

First, clone the repo on your Mac.

Then, add your markdown files in mdbook/src/article. Also add your file path and title in mdbook/src/SUMMARY.

You should pay attention to images which are suggested to put in mdbook/src/media and use relative paths, or use urls instead, to avoid image disappearing.

Next, fork that repo and push your edition to your GitHub. Then make a pull request and wait until admin merge your edition.


Change image size

<img src="" style="zoom:40%"/>